
  • 2022:
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, CONCUR 2022: The 33rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 14/06, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. [slides]
    • Timed Games With Bounded Window Parity Objectives, FORMATS 2022: 20th Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 14/09, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. [slides]
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, Journées Nationales du GT Vérif, 11/07, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. [slides]
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, Highlights 2022 of Logic, Games and Automata, 30/06, Université Paris-Cité, Paris, France. [slides]
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, Seminar given at the University of Turin, 31/05, Turin, Italy. [slides]
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, PhD Day (Belgian Mathematical Society), 13/05, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. [slides]
    • Different Strokes in Randomised Strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's Theorem Under Finite-memory Assumptions, Current Trends in Graphs and Stochastic Games (GAMENET workshop), 07/04, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands. [slides]
    • Les jeux à la rescousse de l'informatique, Mois du Doctorant, 10/03, UMONS, Mons, Belgium. [slides]
  • 2021:
    • Timed Games with Window Parity Objectives, Journées du GT Vérif, 18/11, ENS Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. [slides]
    • Time Flies When Looking out of the Window: Timed Games with Window Parity Objectives, Highlights 2021 of Logic, Games and Automata, 16/09, Online. [slides]
    • Time Flies When Looking out of the Window: Timed Games with Window Parity Objectives, CONCUR 2021: The 32nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 26/08, Online. [slides]
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